Anatech Electronics is a US manufacturer which offers the industry’s largest portfolio of high-performance RF filters and related products covering the range of 10 kHz to 40 GHz.
Anatech Electronics products are used in military, commercial, aerospace and defense, and industrial applications throughout the world. Many are geared specifically to wireless communication, such as LTE, GSM, WCDMA, GPS, UMTS, WiFi, Cellular, etc.
Anatech Electronics also provides tailored solutions to fit customer requirements.
Dimac Red Spa
Engineering and Sales
Via Giovanni XXIII, 25
20853 Biassono (MB) Italy
Tel: +39 039 2494856
Fax: +39 039 491773
Via G. Rossini, 19
20851 Lissone (MB) Italy
Legal and Social seat
via G. Leopardi, 7
20123 Milano
VAT Number (P.I.) 13137960152
Numero Iscrizione Registro imprese di Milano e C.F. 08891370150
Share Capital (C.S.) € 50.000 i.v.
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