Autronic provides DC/DC converters for railway applications according to EN50155, EN55022(class B), EN50121, EN61000, RIA 12 normative.
Converter fulfil Smoke and Fire normative UNI CEI 11170.
Output power from 35W to 200W in a compact case for PTH assembling, DIN rail, rack 19” and chassis mounting.
Wide input range: 9-36; 16-40; 64-160VDC.
Ultra wide input range: 14,4 to 154VDC.
Operating temperature range: -40 +85°C.
Dimac Red Spa
Engineering and Sales
Via Giovanni XXIII, 25
20853 Biassono (MB) Italy
Tel: +39 039 2494856
Fax: +39 039 491773
Via G. Rossini, 19
20851 Lissone (MB) Italy
Legal and Social seat
via G. Leopardi, 7
20123 Milano
VAT Number (P.I.) 13137960152
Numero Iscrizione Registro imprese di Milano e C.F. 08891370150
Share Capital (C.S.) € 50.000 i.v.
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