Space Micro Inc.
Space Micro Inc. supports the Space Industry with innovative, affordable and high-performance digital/image processing, RF communication, and attitude determination sensor products.
Space Micro is a leader in patented, affordable and radiation-hardened devices. Their technologies have been implemented in the highly successful ProtonX-Box Avionics Suite, which features the Proton P200/400k series single board computers providing industry leading performance and affordability. The digital expertise extends to IPC (Image Processing Computer) systems, including the IPC-5000 which has passed the three-year on-orbit mark on the highly successful Air Force ORS-1 program. Variants of this are also in production on two separate classified programs.
From an RF perspective, Space Micro’s high-performance software-defined TT&C transponders and mission-data transmitters have flight heritage (IRIS/LADEE) with very positive, ongoing customer feedback. The industry-leading Ka-Band transmitter is in production for two separate programs, with DSN/TDRSS-compatibility testing successfully completed.
Finally, Space Micro continues to provide sun-sensor products for various domestic and international customers, and has completed full qualification for its high performance µSTAR Star Tracker System.
Products developed include:
- Digital/Avionics Systems
- Digital Slices
- Image Processing Systems
- Guidance & Navigation
- RF & Microwave including also a new µLCT™ 100 Gpbs Lasercom Terminal
Markets: Space-Defense.
Applications: Memories-Micropro, Embedded-Solutions, Various.